Wednesday, February 18, 2009


The boys favorite game to play right now is Twister. They have a blast getting all tangled up and then falling down. Especially when it means falling on top of each other.

But more exciting for them then playing Twister, is wrestling and tackling their dad. The boys look forward to his return home each evening and their nightly ritual of "playing tackle" which Cyrus calls it. Aren't my boys so cute (Yes even Justin)? I love each and everyone of them and can't wait to see what this new little boy will be like.

Happy 10th Anniversary

Justin and Angela 10 years ago on February 13th!

Gifts from my wonderful husband!

Can you believe it, Justin and I have been married 10 years. As we were at dinner together we were discussing were the time has gone. It has hardly seemed like we have been together for such a long time and yet we are still together. That says a lot for complete opposites. Justin and I have pretty much nothing in common and yet we seem to be pretty compatible. It is amazing how it all works out.

Justin is definitely my best friend and I have really grown to love him so much. We have been through a lot together and have definitely seen the growth that comes from our trials. We were not able to do anything amazing this year, due to a huge belly and a baby on its way. We have about 2 weeks left and are very excited and nervous. At least I am nervous. Justin of course brings the calm and relaxation into the relationship. What would I do without him. He is so amazing. Despite it being Friday the 13th, which it will be every 5 years for us, we were able to go to dinner and window shop for a couple of hours. Thanks to my wonderful brother and sister who took great care of the boys.

We are very happy and loving our time together as husband and wife and look forward to many many more years to come.

Justin I love you and appreciate you and all that you have done and will do for me and our family. You are a great husband and father and I look forward to spending eternity with you.