Wednesday, April 17, 2013

W is 1, Q is 10, Easter, and Spring Break

Yep, you read the title right.  My little girl just turned one years old.  She is getting so big and is into everything.  She loves to go up and down the stairs, climb up everything she can, take her brothers toys and play with them, walk anywhere she can, and do anything and everything we will let her do.  She loved her cupcake or at least the frosting and made sure the floor saw a lot of it as well.  She was spoiled with books, clothes, and a doll from her grandparents.  She had a great day.

Quentin just turned 10 and is growing so fast.  He loves Weblos, art, sports, and books.  For his birthday we were actually in Ogden for Spring Break, which was actually his request.  We were going to be home so he could celebrate at home, but he wanted to be able to swim on his birthday and go to the Zoo.  So that is what we did.  He had a fun day.  It was also Conference weekend, so we held off on a friend party until the next week.  For his friend party he took 4 friends bowling and out for ice cream.  He had a fun time.  For Quentin's birthday, he got books, a new bike and helmet, and money.

For Easter, we went to the Mangum's Saturday and did a hunt, played with the cousins, and ate great food while we visited with great people.  On Sunday we had a great sacrament meeting and then headed to the Hemingway's for another round of egg hunt, dinner, and visiting.  It was a good holiday full of fun.

For Spring Break, we headed up to Ogden for a 2 day get away.  We went up to the Treehouse museum and were planning on doing the Dinosaur museum as well, but the rain didn't make us want to be out.  So we went swimming a lot.  We found a hotel with a great warm swimming pool and didn't have to share it with anyone.  The kids would have lived in the pool if they had the option.  We also found a Pizza Pie Cafe up there, so they were spoiled with meals.  It was a nice well deserved break.  On our way home we went to the Zoo and enjoyed the active animals.

1 comment:

Mangum Menagerie said...

Looks like lots of fun being had by all. I'm jealous of your getaway we need one. Happy birthday to the kids.