Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April, Spring Break, Easter

April has been busy with Soccer, Baseball, YW, and birthdays.  It has been a fun month and we still have the rest of the month to finish.
Quentin decided to try Baseball this year and he has an amazing coach and team.  None of them are selfish, they are all so quick to compliment each other and teach each other how to play.  They are helping Quentin enjoy the game.  He had a great hit and got to slide into home to tie up the game this last Friday.  He is doing so well.  Quentin also just turned 11 and had some friends over to go to Nicklecade.  He seemed to have a great birthday.  He asked for some books and that is what he got for his birthday.
Whitney also just had her birthday and turned 2.  We took her to build a bear where she picked a dog to stuff and cloth.  This is something that we have done with all of our kids when they turn 2.  She seemed to enjoy being there around all of the stuffed animals.  Whitney also got some dresses and a tea set from her grandmas.
For Spring Break, we celebrated birthdays, went to the dentist, went to the Zoo, and went to the dinosaur museum.
For Easter we had my family over for some fun games and of course a hunt on Saturday and then on Sunday we went to Justin's parents home for some more visiting and another hunt.  We had a lot of fun and it was great to visit with family.
We also just finished getting our wood fence up for some privacy in our back yard.  So it was kind of fun showing that off to our visitors as well.

February and March

In February we decided to do swim lessons and we went to a baptism in Vernal.  While in Vernal we were able to visit the temple and visit with family.  We had a great time and visit.

In March we celebrated Zayne turning 5.  This was his first friend party and he had a blast doing ninja type stuff and playing with his friends.  He is growning so fast and learning so much.  He is getting so smart and loves numbers and being with his brothers and sister.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

December and January

I know, I know, these are very late.  But better late then never.  As soon as Justin transfers over the rest of my months for this year, I will get those pics up as well.  Those will include birthdays and spring break.
We have been very busy, but we are having a lot of fun.
Following are just some random fun pictures of a few things we did in those months.